BVi supports the principles of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment and exudes a passion for creating sustainable opportunities for underprivileged South Africans.
BVi is wholeheartedly committed to the principles of BBBEE and has a Level One BBBEE Contributor Rating carried out by a SANAS-accredited verification agency.
The BVi Transformation Committee was established through resolution by the BVi Board of Directors with a sole purpose to:
- Develop and assist in developing mechanisms, initiatives, policies and strategies to enhance transformation in the company.
- Ensure that transformation is taking place in the company by reviewing and monitoring equity ownership, board representation, management representation and employment equity.
- Ensuring that the company has a disciplined, coordinated and sustainable approach to transformation.
Through its BBBEE policy, BVi endeavours to achieve the following objectives:
- Empower previously disadvantaged individuals to develop their knowledge and skills through an accelerated growth path to reach top management level.
- To continuously monitor the racial composition of ownership and management structures to ensure compliance. The primary focus is placed on previously disadvantaged females.
- Assist in the development of the operational and financial capacity of BBBEE enterprises, especially small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) and black-owned enterprises.
- Develop the skills and knowledge of previously disadvantaged individuals through BVi’s learnership and mentorship programme and internal and external training.
- Set up proper preferential procurement policies to ensure that black-owned enterprises benefit.
- Set up socio-economic development initiatives to promote the education and healthcare of previously disadvantaged individuals in rural and local communities.
In addition to the valuable contribution made to skills development through the BVi Employee Trust, BVi also implemented its own skills development programme as part of its BBBEE commitment.
BVi encourages every employee to develop their own skills through internal and external training programmes and to actively educate themselves according to an Individual Skills Development Plan. The planning is carried out with inputs from the employee, their Line Manager, and the relevant Regional Director and Head of Department, where necessary. The Individual Skills Development Plan is reconsidered and amended on the Performance Appraisal and Performance Review interview respectively. In an industry where technically skilled and qualified PDIs are especially scarce, BVi is proud to declare that a substantial component of its senior staff and managers are compliant with South Africa’s policies.
The objective of the BVi Trust is to increase the participation and development of technically oriented and qualified PDI (previously disadvantaged individuals) employees in the company and to assist them to develop as entrepreneurs, owners and managers.
As a dynamic organisation, BVi focuses on controlled growth and on developing the knowledge and skills of its employees through ongoing training.